Legal representative of the company
Registered capital of the company
company identification
Company Business Scope
Company registered address
What are the types of registered companies
limited liability company
Wholly Owned Enterprise (WOE)
1. Proof of identity
Identification of legal representatives, supervisors and all shareholders.
2. Name of the company
Pre-approved company name.
3. Articles of Incorporation
Prepare the articles of incorporation in the format required by the Bureau of Industry and Commerce.
4. Scope of operations
Scope of business refers to the scope of business in which the company is engaged and needs to be filled in according to the actual situation of the company.
5. Proof of registered address
A commercial address is usually required. If a commercial address is not available, we can provide a dependent address and a free campus address.
6. Other materials
Depending on the specific industry and requirements, other relevant information may be required.
Preparation of registration documents
Company Name Verification
Obtaining a license
engraved seal
Bank account opening
Tax filing
Q&A Frequently Asked Questions
Due to the new company law July 1, 2024 implementation, the registered capital paid-up period of 5 years, need to be completed before June 30, 2029 paid-up. The specific depends on the company use, for example, most of the Tmall online store entry requires a registered capital of 1 million, 2 million registered capital for landscaping and greening works, 1 million for ICP license filing, and 300,000 for travel agency.
We can provide a dependent address, and a free park address. Most general industries choose to register in the park, and companies can enjoy preferential policies specific to the park, such as tax rebates and industrial subsidies. Tax administration in the park tends to be more relaxed and relatively more flexible considering that more than 10,000 companies are usually gathered in the park.
Foreigners and Shanghai locals to register a company as convenient, the whole process does not require any personnel to be present, the information submitted name approval through, just need to be online for the network can be, a few days you can receive the business license by mail.
Thank you for your submission, one of our consultants will be in touch with you shortly!