Low or zero tax burden
Tight privacy protection
No foreign exchange controls, excellent financial and business environment
Convenient capitalization and overseas listing
Multicultural and linguistic advantages
company identification
registered capital
board member
Registered Agent/Registered Address
Scope of business
What are the types of BVI companies
Business Company (BC)
Limited Partnership (LP)
1. Name of the company
Provide the name of the BVI company to be registered.
2. Identification of shareholders and directors
Identity cards, passports and proof of personal address of directors and shareholders;
3. Shareholders and directors
Shareholders and Directors of Registered BVI Companies
4. Registered capital
Determination of the number of shares of the company's registered capital and the ratio of share distribution
5. Due diligence forms
Completion and signing of company due diligence forms
6. BVI Legal Secretary and Registered Address
BVI Legal Secretary and Registered Office
company identification
Preparation of necessary documents for submission
Determination of shareholders, directors, and proportion of shares
Submission of information
Q&A Frequently Asked Questions
No. The BVI government, in accordance with local law, authorizes a lawyer, accountant or trust company to act as a Registered Agent to perform the functions of incorporating a company, collecting annual fees, issuing certificates and providing related services on its behalf. The Registered Agent must be included in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the offshore company, and the address of the Registered Agent is the legal address of the company, and every company registered offshore must have a Registered Agent.
The standard number of registered shares for a BVI company is 50,000, with no limit on the par value of each share. If more than 50,000 shares are registered, the formation and annual fees will increase.
A search of the BVI Companies Registry can be made by a statutory registered agent, solicitor or authorized body or a Certificate of Good Standing can be requested from the BVI Companies Registry through a professional body.
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