Company registered address
authorized representative
registered capital
Scope of business
What are the types of registered companies
limited liability company
Wholly Owned Enterprise (WOE)
foreign-invested enterprise
1. Name of the company
Provide 2-3 names to prevent renaming, in the format of "Shenzhen/Shenzhen + name + industry + form".
2. Information on corporate shareholders
Mainly corporate shareholders ID information, corporate identity can not be merged with the supervisor.
3. Scope of operations
Organize the standardized business scope, the order of business scope will affect the payment of taxes.
4. Registered capital
It's going to be a paid-up system starting July 1, 2024, with a minimum of $30,000 that needs to be paid up over five years.
5. Registered address
Need a real and effective business address, if you do not choose a good registered address, you can find us to rely on, including but not limited to red address, white address, disposable address, permanent address, etc., the address comes from a real office building, there is a filing in the Trade and Industry Bureau, do not have to worry about the address abnormalities.
Preparation of registration documents
Company Name Verification
Obtaining a license
engraved seal
Bank account opening
Tax filing
Q&A Frequently Asked Questions
You can use the dependency address, we provide the actual address to the enterprise dependency, so that enterprises do not need to actually rent an office, but also can register the company. Subsequent business changes, inspections, tax inspections, bank account opening door to door, etc., can cooperate with, can be collected on behalf of the letter information, rent and utility invoices.
Starting August 1, 2024, you can register a company in Shenzhen without a ca digital certificate! That is to say that it is now not necessary to be present in person to register a company in Shenzhen.
Engraving of seals, opening of bank accounts, approval of taxes, application for tax-control and invoices, bookkeeping and tax reporting, annual report of enterprises.
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