U.S. Company Registration

One-stop enterprise service platform, from company registration to tax compliance, the whole process for your escort

What are the advantages of U.S. company registration?

What are the requirements for U.S. Incorporation

What are the types of U.S. incorporated companies

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Class C Corporation (CC)

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

Sole Proprietorship (SP)

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

The LLC is the most flexible business structure, there is no minimum paid-up share capital requirement for incorporation, there are no restrictions on the types of business activities that can be engaged in, and it is recommended that the LLC be the preferred choice for conducting business in the United States. Prior to formation, the LLC must: appoint a director and a shareholder, open a U.S. corporate bank account with a balance of $1, and designate a registered agent at the place of incorporation.

Class C Corporation (C-Corporation)

This is the primary type of corporation used by medium to large U.S. businesses involving significant investment or financing, with tax reporting that is simple and more suitable for all offshore filings by non-U.S. tax residents. Additionally, the C-Corp is great for clients who are looking to sell stock to the public or obtain outside venture capital, as there are no restrictions on stock transfers or stock ownership.

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

It is one of the types of partnership, which can be divided into four types of partnership in the United States: general partnership (GP), limited partnership (LP), limited liability partnership (LLP), and limited liability limited partnership (LLLP); LLP operates under a partnership, which is relatively more suitable for professionals, such as doctors, attorneys, accountants, architects, etc. The difference between LLC and LLP is that LLP is signed in the name of individual partners and holds property and is sued for it. The difference between LLC and LLP is that the LLP signs contracts, holds property and is sued in the name of the individual partners.

Sole Proprietorship (WPC)

Similar to a domestic sole trader, it is the simplest business entity. One person can be responsible for all profits and debts of the company. Suitable for individuals who need a business entity for their economic activities.

Basic information to be prepared

Registration time: 20 working days

Q&A Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to register an offshore company in the U.S.?

Incorporating an offshore company is the same as incorporating a local US entity. Delaware and Nevada are the best states in the US to form an offshore company. Non-U.S. citizens and non-green card holders benefit the most from setting up an offshore company in these states because there is no need to file and pay taxes if the business income comes from outside the United States.

2. What types of U.S. companies are suitable for Chinese people to register?

The corporate entity best suited for a business depends on several factors, including the occupation of the entrepreneur, the nature of the business, and the number of business owners. Generally, limited liability companies (LLCs) are formed because of the simplicity of the setup process and the lack of capital limitations or restrictions on accepting pass-through profit distributions.

3. Do foreigners need a visa to register a business in the U.S.?

A foreigner does not need a visa to register a business in the U.S. However, a foreigner needs a valid residence permit to stay in the U.S. and operate a business.

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