Enterprise registered capital
Legal representatives of enterprises, company executives
Corporate Shareholders
Registered Business Address
Business Scope
What are the types of registered companies
limited liability company
limited partnership
Wholly Foreign-Owned Corporation (WFOE) (form of legal entity in China)
Wholly Owned Enterprise (WOE)
1. Company name
Administrative region + font size + business scope + organizational form. For example: "Guangzhou + Enterprise Caiying + Enterprise Management + Limited Company". Try to prepare as many as possible, you can find us free name verification.
2. Scope of the company's operations
There is no clear regulation on the business scope in the business registration, no word count requirement and no category restriction. The front business scope needs to be approved first, and for the corresponding business license before applying for a business license. You can refer to the National Bureau of Statistics issued the "National Economic Industry Classification", you can find a more standardized language expression. If you are not sure how to determine, we can provide reference to the business scope of similar enterprises.
3. Registered capital
Determine the amount of registered capital, starting from as little as $1, with paid-in registered capital within 5 years.
4. Company registered address
If you don't have an actual office address, you can find us to provide a dependent address. Dependent address is a legal existence, you can provide the appropriate lease materials, dependent address is divided into three kinds, respectively, business secretary address, white address and red address, according to their actual needs to choose which address.
Preparation of registration documents
Company Name Verification
Obtaining a license
engraved seal
Bank account opening
Tax filing
Q&A Frequently Asked Questions
If you need to open a bank account, then choose the business secretary address or white book address. If you need to apply for various qualifications, such as labor dispatch, education and training, etc., you should choose the red book address. Subsequent business changes, inspections, tax inspections, bank account opening door to door, etc., can cooperate, you can collect mail information, rent and utility invoices.
No, the more business scope may cause the company to pay more taxes for more tax types and cannot enjoy some tax benefits. Therefore, the business scope should be filled in according to the needs of the company's business development, highlighting the company's main business, fill in the recent need for business scope can be.
There are no mandatory provisions, but according to the relevant provisions: if a company fails to open for more than six months after its establishment without a valid reason, or if it closes down on its own after opening for more than six consecutive months, the business license can be revoked by the company registration authority.
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