registered address
Registered capital of the company
Company shareholders, legal representatives
What are the types of registered companies
limited liability company
limited partnership
Wholly Foreign-Owned Corporation (WFOE) (form of legal entity in China)
Wholly Owned Enterprise (WOE)
1. Company name
It is recommended to prepare 3 alternative company names in advance, the name format is generally: Beijing + name + industry + organization formation. For example: Beijing xxx technology limited company, xxx technology Beijing limited company, xxx Beijing Technology Co.
2. Shareholder information
The company's shareholder information includes the company's legal representative, all shareholders, supervisors and other positions, at least the legal person is required. Shareholders are required to prepare ID information.
3. Business address
Must be a commercial address, you need to provide a copy of the lease contract and real estate license; if you do not have a commercial address, you can contact us for address attachment.
4. Scope of operations
The business scope is generally divided into general business scope and licensed business scope; licensed business scope needs to obtain the industry business license to operate.
5. Registered capital
A newly registered company in 2024 needs to complete the paid-up registered capital within 5 years. It is not recommended to fill in too high registered capital to avoid the trouble of paying too high registered capital and changing registered capital.
Preparation of registration documents
Company Name Verification
Obtaining a license
engraved seal
Bank account opening
Tax filing
Q&A Frequently Asked Questions
If you don't have a registered address in Beijing, you can contact us to provide a dependent address. Beijing only allows commercial real estate such as office buildings and stores to register companies, and residential is not allowed to register companies.
Can, but pay attention to the funds once paid, is belong to the company, no longer belong to the individual, paid-in capital is for the company's business development to provide principal support, registered capital can be spent, but must be carried out in the name of the company, such as: leasing property, purchase of equipment, purchase of goods, etc., which need to obtain invoices; and such as the payment of wages, bonuses, etc., which need to be declared for personal tax purposes.
Yes, but the registered address must be for office use or commercial use, and requires the consent of the lessor, the address of the original registered company and the subsequent company before registration. The size of the office space should be in line with common sense, and the business address must be real.
Thank you for your submission, one of our consultants will be in touch with you shortly!